Sunday, May 31, 2009

Help a child with cancer attend Camp Rising Sun - here's how:

Crop For A Cause
July 25, 2009
St. Gregory CCD Hall
Bristol, CT

Join us on Saturday, July 25 from 9am-9pm for an all day crop to raise money for Camp Rising Sun. Proceeds will go toward supplies and activities to help the campers enjoy a week long camp experience. For more information about Camp Rising Sun, please visit

The fee for the all day event is $40. Fee must be paid in order to reserve your seat. All fees must be received by July 10. Your fee includes a space to work, food and beverages throughout the day, croptalks and a lot of fun! You will receive a packet of information prior to the event with more details.

We hope you can make our event for this worthy cause!

Please mail your payment of $40 per person to:
Thea Trimble
6 Juniper Hill Court
Plainville, CT 06416
(860) 930-5973


Together We Save said...

Wow sounds like a great event. Different way to raise money.

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