Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where are all the lazy summer days?

My summer has consisted of numerous trips to visit family, birthday parties, playdates, daily gym visits and ice cream cones (which is exactly why I need to go to the gym daily lol).

I have a small stack of pictures that need to be scrapped and a few books that are waiting for me to open them up. And guess what? Saturday I am once again leaving for Pittsburgh to stay with my mom & stepdad. Not that my initial summer calendar had all these road trips on it, but somehow as the weeks go by, the days get fuller and the small joys of summer get pushed off the calendar. And I am not saying that visiting my family isn't enjoyable - it is tons of fun! It just involoves driving around alot and stopping by to visit cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, my turns into me being in the car more than sitting by the pool. That's the downfall of being 500 miles away from where you grew up.

I'd like to just sit down with my daughter and play house or build Legos....then the phone rings and the neighbor needs my advice on something or the dentist office needs to change our appointments to today in 30 mins. How on Earth will I ever slow down?

So I have decided to start living "in the moment" as much as I can. Instead of thinking ahead to all the chores that need done and the big projects that are looming over our heads, I am going to ground myself in the moment by paying attention to my daughter when she draws her 80th picture of a snowman and throws it on my desk and when my husband wants to talk about the baseball game. I am going to focus on what God has intended for my day, not my own agenda.

I am reading a great book to help me along this new journey called: Breathe - Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life by Keri Wyatt Kent.

I leave for my trip on Saturday for the next 2 weeks and have packed a few books, some beautiful pictures of my family that I plan to scrap, my bathing suit so I can teach my daughter to swim and plenty of patience to keep me present in the moment.

Enjoy the beginning of summer!

♥, Lisa


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great read. Even the cover is relaxing. Hope you're enjoying your summer!

Keri Wyatt Kent said...

thanks for the mention, and I'm glad you are passing your copy along to your blog readers.
Hope you'll come visit my blog--I've enjoyed browsing yours!

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